‘kitchen’ Articles

layout overhaul!

So, you may have noticed that things keep changing in foodgeek-land. The foodie decided that he wasn’t happy with the look and feel of our old theme, so he started browsing for some other theme options. After a few tries we settled on this one, because we liked the extra edge room of three columns, [Continue]

wednesday is CSA day

wednesday is CSA day

Valentine’s schmalentine’s…its CSA day in foodgeek land! The food geek household is a member of a community-supported agriculture program. We buy shares in a local farm and in turn, we get locally grown veggies, share in the bounty of the harvest, and also assume some of the risks of farming. We think it’s a good [Continue]

nothing to see here…

Two months of posts finally in the book! I wasn’t sure we could keep it up this long, but we endure. The eater is still a bit lazy shy to post, although she is dutifully keeping up her eating duties. If you’re keeping score on who’s posting more: Eater – 3 Foodie – 7. (I’m [Continue]

Tales of the Kitchen

Tales of the Kitchen

A few days ago, I got word of a kitchen show-and-tell thing going on in the food blog world. The even was headed up by another food blog, Lucullian Delights. Unfortunately, for me, the event ended before I could get some decent pictures of my kitchen. Here’s my late entry (better late than never, right?)… [Continue]

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