‘kitchen’ Articles

what’s going on?

I will refrain from apologizing for the lack of posts… So what’s going on in foodgeek land? I’d have to say a whole lot of nothing. Really, nothing. There isn’t a whole lot of cooking going on lately, just geek stuff. I somehow acquired a 3G iPhone and I’ve been lost in geektitude for the [Continue]

ZOMG Corn!!

ZOMG Corn!!

Look at all the corn! The CSA told us to take the whole bag and there must be about thirty ears. I’m putting on a large pot of water right now so I can start eating it. YUM! [Continue]

All this food and…nothing

All this food and…nothing

It’s been a little bit hectic in the geek household and our blogging has suffered. We’ve been enjoying the CSA but haven’t made anything I would deem picture worthy. My fridge is full of food yet we’re going to a friend’s to eat. I guess this isn’t prime blogging season or something. I fully intended [Continue]

I’m a farmer’s market addict (Lexington, MA farmer’s market)

I’m a farmer’s market addict (Lexington, MA farmer’s market)

I know what you’re thinking, “but don’t you get farm-fresh veggies delivered by your CSA each and every week?” Yes, I do but what can I say, I’m a greedy geek. Sometimes the CSA just doesn’t provide everything I want to eat each week. I know this may come as a shock, but what else [Continue]

Red Fire Friday

Red Fire Friday

Friday was an exciting day, it was the first delivery of our new CSA veggies from Red Fire Farm. Being a huge food geek, I was excited for days before this and was counting down the days until the delivery. For the less geeky, a CSA is community supported agriculture – a local farm that [Continue]

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