Written by geek on 14 August 2008
I will refrain from apologizing for the lack of posts… So what’s going on in foodgeek land? I’d have to say a whole lot of nothing. Really, nothing. There isn’t a whole lot of cooking going on lately, just geek stuff. I somehow acquired a 3G iPhone and I’ve been lost in geektitude for the [Continue]
Written by geek on 08 August 2008
Look at all the corn! The CSA told us to take the whole bag and there must be about thirty ears. I’m putting on a large pot of water right now so I can start eating it. YUM! [Continue]
Written by geek on 02 August 2008
It’s been a little bit hectic in the geek household and our blogging has suffered. We’ve been enjoying the CSA but haven’t made anything I would deem picture worthy. My fridge is full of food yet we’re going to a friend’s to eat. I guess this isn’t prime blogging season or something. I fully intended [Continue]
Written by geek on 16 July 2008
I know what you’re thinking, “but don’t you get farm-fresh veggies delivered by your CSA each and every week?” Yes, I do but what can I say, I’m a greedy geek. Sometimes the CSA just doesn’t provide everything I want to eat each week. I know this may come as a shock, but what else [Continue]
Written by geek on 16 June 2008
Friday was an exciting day, it was the first delivery of our new CSA veggies from Red Fire Farm. Being a huge food geek, I was excited for days before this and was counting down the days until the delivery. For the less geeky, a CSA is community supported agriculture – a local farm that [Continue]