Posts Tagged ‘veggie’

Tourte Aux Blettes

Tourte Aux Blettes

Greens! Greens! Greens! This tart is so easy, you have no reason not to try it. [Continue]

These really ARE great veggie burgers!

These really ARE great veggie burgers!

We take another shot at the Best.Veggie.Burgers.Ever. and they still do not disappoint. [Continue]

Ramen? Are you kidding me?

A damn good sandwich

A damn good sandwich

The eater always tells me I make the best sandwiches. My formula for a good sandwich starts with good bread. Leave the Wonder bread for toast and find something good – something with a good crust, something with an unusal flavor, or something with a nice airy texture. I then try to match the ingredients [Continue]

Inside Edition: The Fridge

Inside Edition: The Fridge

Last week, Sam over at Beck’s and Posh posed the question, “What does your unedited fridge look like?” I figured I’d take some pictures of the silver box and detail what is inside. While I generally don’t stock the sort of ingredients that Alice Q. or David Lebovitz does but here we go: Starting with [Continue]

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