Posts Tagged ‘apprentice’

The only Rolex I can afford

The only Rolex I can afford

Several times each year the Apprentice makes the trip to San Diego to hang out, eat fish tacos, and escape from the New England weather. On this trip back to San Diego, he brought with him stories of his trip to Uganda and a new street food he ate while he was there, the rolex. [Continue]

Long distance…

Long distance…

Even though we're 3000 miles apart, the apprentice and I still keep in touch. [Continue]

Up on the roof…

Up on the roof…

Sometimes the truth hurts... [Continue]

Holiday Spirit?

Holiday Spirit?

The apprentice shows his holiday spirit. Is this how they do it in Brazil? [Continue]

One drink drunk

One drink drunk

Sometimes the apprentice needs to quit at one... [Continue]

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