Posts Tagged ‘apprentice’

Pork Roulade, with my apprentice

Pork Roulade, with my apprentice

Juicy pork roast, sweet pea greens, creamy goat cheese, and crunchy walnuts. How could this be better? How about adding a pomegranate pan sauce and some roasted potatoes? Yeah, I thought so. [Continue]

roasty toasty

roasty toasty

(apologizes for the picture quality, I don’t know what happened. I shopped them the best I could) Another week, another lesson for the apprentice. What was on the menu? Roasting! Roasting has got to be one of the best kept secrets of chefs. Complex flavors, beautiful colors, a myriad of textures, all taken care of [Continue]

The apprentice

The apprentice

I did not cook this.(ok, I helped a little) I’ve finally acquired an apprentice. My new roommate and friend wanted to learn how to cook, so off we go! What about the eater you say? Sure, the eater helps out now and then, but I can tell she isn’t all that thrilled about cooking most [Continue]

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