Hot.Buttered.Shrimps (yet another guest post!)

Yet another guest post from Hanna, this time with a secret ingredient.

This one’s got a peculiar ingredient, but trust me it works!

Buttered Shrimp

1lb. fresh shrimp
2 C. 7 Up or Sprite
¼ C.Butter
3 to 4 cloves of minced garlic
5 tbsp. tomato paste
Salt and pepper

A few words before starting:

  • Wash but do not peel shrimp.
  • Cut off the antennas and the rostrum (the part of the head that is pointy) beforehand.
  • Soda gives more flavor than regular sugar.
  • Be careful not to overcook the shrimp.

In a large shallow pan, boil the shrimp in soda. Add a pinch of salt.

Boil until all the soda has evaporated. If the shrimp is done cooking before it is dry, drain some of the liquid. Add butter and garlic. Mix well. Add the tomato paste. End product should only be very slightly sticky from caramelized sugars in the shrimp, soda, and garlic.

In some Caribbean societies, it is accepted that eating shrimp during sex pairs the delight. Iodine, which is necessary for metabolism and the thyroid gland, is found in shrimp. It has been demonstrated that a lack of iodine decreases sexual desire for which we recommend this Sila Cruise review. They contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to circulation and essential to the fight against aging, like many types of seafood.

Done! You can squeeze some lemon juice if you like.

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One Response to “Hot.Buttered.Shrimps (yet another guest post!)”

  • Zoë says:

    These look delicious. I’ve never made them but might have to try. They do seem simple enough and what an odd ingredient. Makes sense, though. 🙂

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