roasty toasty
(apologizes for the picture quality, I don’t know what happened. I shopped them the best I could)

Another week, another lesson for the apprentice. What was on the menu? Roasting!
Roasting has got to be one of the best kept secrets of chefs. Complex flavors, beautiful colors, a myriad of textures, all taken care of by the oven and some patience. Sure there is a little matter of prep work, but in real cooking that cannot be omitted.
It all started with me discussing what we would be cooking, lists of ingredients, and the lack of techniques. Initially my apprentice was a bit underwhelmed by the complexity of the techniques and even, at one point, asked if we could do something else. I tried to assure him that, while the techniques are basic, they are well worth learning.
The main technique in a good roast, in my opinion, is time. If you give the roast time to cook (and rest) it will almost always come out properly…unless you overcook it. Some side ingredients of our dinner were potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and onions; yes, I got the apprentice to eat onions!
I know there isn’t much excitement to preparing this meal, the excitement comes during the eating.

Rene: I’ve been a total slacker the last few months. I have some new ideas and some post coming soon!
Hi I just now finished reading your website and I am quite impressed. I actually do have a few questions for you however. Are you currently thinking about doing a follow-up article about this? Are you likely to keep bringing up-to-date as well? Furthermore if you get a chance will you rate my own Rappelz guild website whenever you have a chance?
I think I roasted this one at a pretty high heat, somewhere aroung 425-450F. I also rubbed it all over with olive oil and cooked it on the top third of the oven.
If you dare, you can put butter all over it instead of olive oil.
wow, I’m impressed. that bird looks food-mag worthy! every time I’ve roasted a chicken, the skin doesn’t come out crispy enough. any suggestions?