What’s in the box?

Vanessa over at What Geeks Eat usually writes about what she gets in her CSA box. I thought it would be nice to compare our San Diego CSA with their Wisconsin CSA and compete to see who gets the better of the deal. Right now, it looks like we’re both getting about the same spring vegetables in our shares but I noticed that they don’t get any fruit in their box; I’m sure it is normal for spring in Wisconsin. Maybe the geeks will show off their food this week and we can declare a winner?
Here’s what we get to work with this week:
- salad mix with edible flowers
- baby carrots
- sugar snap peas
- arugula
- tatsoi (I think)
- romaine lettuce
- baby celery
- radishes
- grapefruits
- oranges
- kiwi
- dates
- avocado
- bouquet of flowers
As a bonus, this week they even sent over a candy bar. I’m guessing it’s their way of saying you that chocolate is indeed an vegetable and we need to eat it every day, or maybe they just wanted to showcase the Dagoba chocolate bars they also carry. I’d like to think it’s the former, but I’m sure it’s the latter; either way, I’m going to eat it.
website correction….sorry
I thought chocolate was a vegetable and marshmallows must be in one of the basic food groups.
do you eat the bouquet of flowers ray of maybe a nice gratin! yummmmmm 🙂
try the shrimp, i’ll be here all week.
Our Vermont CSA starts in June. We’ll play, too.
Its interesting we’re both in san diego and have such different csa boxes! Mine had lettuce, leeks, turnips, strawbs, dill, carrots, chard and bok choy and a ton of broccoli!! oh and an avocado, I must remember to use it, thats the only thing that is the same.
Naw, you’re not getting setup (cough, cough).
3 weeks off, I think I’d cry. While the onslaught of greens is sometimes hard to keep up with, my refrigerator would be empty if I didn’t get veggies every week.
Now who else is going to jump on the CSA bandwagon already?
Hmmm…I get the feeling I’m being set up 😉
But, of course we accept your challenge…here’s hoping we get something incredibly cool in the box today…this will be our last spring share then we have 3 weeks off before summer share starts.
Thanks for thinking of us!