Posts Tagged ‘csa’

Tourte Aux Blettes

Tourte Aux Blettes

Greens! Greens! Greens! This tart is so easy, you have no reason not to try it. [Continue]

My Specialty?

My Specialty?

I’m not sure how it happened, but apparently I have a specialty. It’s not those colorful macarons, it’s not those elaborate fondant cakes, it’s not even pastry at all — I’m a salad specialist. I’m not sure when it happened, but I’m pretty sure it started off innocently. I joined a CSA, bought local, [Continue]

ZOMG Corn!!

ZOMG Corn!!

Look at all the corn! The CSA told us to take the whole bag and there must be about thirty ears. I’m putting on a large pot of water right now so I can start eating it. YUM! [Continue]

Quick CSA dishes

Quick CSA dishes

Once again I feel like the Iron Chef; I get secret ingredients each week and I get to come up with new and (hopefully) innovative dishes to tempt the taste buds and please the eater. Did I mention I’ve missed getting CSA veggies yet? This week’s secret ingredients were spring greens — lots of them. [Continue]

Red Fire Friday

Red Fire Friday

Friday was an exciting day, it was the first delivery of our new CSA veggies from Red Fire Farm. Being a huge food geek, I was excited for days before this and was counting down the days until the delivery. For the less geeky, a CSA is community supported agriculture – a local farm that [Continue]

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