Posts Tagged ‘daring bakers’

A wicked nice surprise

A wicked nice surprise

A few weeks back I saw this picture on a fellow blogger’s site. Chris, the fellow blogger, got her hands on about 50 of these mini brioche molds for an amazing deal. She happened to obtain these tins just about the same time I was making my kitchenaid brioche. In a flash I shot off [Continue]

Daring Christmas

Daring Christmas

I’m a few days late with my DB post this month, but I got it done in time for Christmas Eve. This month our daring assignment got a holiday themed recipe: Yule Log. This is one of those recipes that may make you cringe a little bit when you first look at it; a cake, [Continue]

Potato Bread

Potato Bread

This month the Daring Bakers tackled yet another yeast-based product, potato bread. I didn’t participate in the last yeast challenge (sticky buns) so I figured I should step up and complete this one. It’s no secret that I was disappointed when I saw a basic bread recipe. I was hoping for some intricate pastry or [Continue]



I cut this Daring Bakers Challenge close. I waited until the last day and pretty close to the last hour to get this cake made and posted! This month the bakers took on the challenge of a Bostini Cream Pie. I’d probably classify this as a restaurant version of the classic dessert; it is small, [Continue]

A daring cake

A daring cake

Here’s one of the last pastries I dared to make in our San Diego kitchen before our east coast relocation. This month’s Daring Bakers challenge was to construct a strawberry Bavarian with a strawberry mirror glaze. Like any DB, I accepted the challenge. The cake wasn’t too hard to make and only comprised of a [Continue]

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