Author Archive

My Specialty?

My Specialty?

I’m not sure how it happened, but apparently I have a specialty. It’s not those colorful macarons, it’s not those elaborate fondant cakes, it’s not even pastry at all — I’m a salad specialist. I’m not sure when it happened, but I’m pretty sure it started off innocently. I joined a CSA, bought local, [Continue]

The Sugar Daddy Dares Us

The Sugar Daddy Dares Us

What can I say? It’s choux-time again. This time the Daring Bakers made me do it. This month our challenge recipe is from none other than Pierre Herme, the king of macrons himself. I’m sure it’s been a long time since PH himself churned out batches of choux, but it’s nice to see that he [Continue]

Ramen? Are you kidding me?

what’s going on?

I will refrain from apologizing for the lack of posts… So what’s going on in foodgeek land? I’d have to say a whole lot of nothing. Really, nothing. There isn’t a whole lot of cooking going on lately, just geek stuff. I somehow acquired a 3G iPhone and I’ve been lost in geektitude for the [Continue]

ZOMG Corn!!

ZOMG Corn!!

Look at all the corn! The CSA told us to take the whole bag and there must be about thirty ears. I’m putting on a large pot of water right now so I can start eating it. YUM! [Continue]

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