Another year…

Last year wasn’t the best foodgeek year. Lets recap:

The Good

  • Fancy new magazine-styled layout
  • Comics!
  • Appetizer links to fun foodie news
  • Improved photograhy

The Bad

  • Post counts were down
  • Excuses came easy
  • Posts about not posting
  • Not enough pastry

Big changes happened last year for the foodgeek household. We sold our house in MA and once again moved cross-country, back to San Diego in September, to start over again. All of this excitement seriously impacted the post counts. Getting a house ready to sell, packing up a house, and driving 3000 miles is quite the time-consuming task!

Resolutions are in order for 2010! More posts, improved photography, more fan-interaction, and possibly some foodgeek merchandise. Some subtle site tweaks were made recently: a fancy new logo, a group photoand updated about page, and access for mobile web devices. We’re going to stick with this slick theme for the time being, even if it is a bit time consuming to use.

Please stick with us in the new year, send us requests, send us your recipes to try, challenge us to a cook-off, or just say hi. We love to hear from everyone!

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2 Responses to “Another year…”

  • Adriana says:

    oh god i’m such a geek and a foodie and it took me no time to fall in love with your blog… will be following!

  • jenny says:

    Cool! It would be great to meet up sometime in the new year if you’re up for a bloggy meet up type of thing? I keep trying to meet up with ‘my burning kitchen’ darlene but the timing has been off so far…

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