Posts Tagged ‘tart’

…still here!

…still here!

It’s been a while. There’s been cooking and eating, just not too many pictures. This tart was finally a worthy choice. A few weeks back I saw Jacque Pepin on PBS make a tart that his mom used to make. It looked real simple, a food processor crust, a quick pat into a fluted tart [Continue]

Tourte Aux Blettes

Tourte Aux Blettes

Greens! Greens! Greens! This tart is so easy, you have no reason not to try it. [Continue]

berries and tarts

berries and tarts

Summer is almost here and berries are beginning to invade the markets. On a recent trip to the market, the eater and I were compelled to pick up some cherries, raspberries, and blueberries. We originally were just going to greedily eat them out of the container, but on the way home I decided that I [Continue]