Posts Tagged ‘seafood’

Happy Fish Day

Happy Fish Day

My parent’s birthdays were Sunday and Tuesday respectively. I thought it would be nice to celebrate both days together so I invited them over to my place for a nice dinner. I already planned on serving them my Daring Baker’s dessert, the Bostini Cream Pie, but I didn’t have a main dish to serve. After [Continue]

A Polenta Feast

A Polenta Feast

Sunday I had guests over for an impromptu dinner. I was mulling over what I should serve, trying to come up with something a little more fancy than pasta or burgers, when the eater suggested we have polenta. While this is a rather vague and wide-open suggestion, I had just the thing in mind with [Continue]



Long ago (four years, to be exact) when I lived in New England, I never paid much attention to the bounty of seafood that was available here. I never noticed all the haddock, pollack, and cod to eat nor did I ever think twice about the wonderful clams, scallops, and not to mention, lobster. Coming [Continue]