Posts Tagged ‘link-love’

Strawberry Shortcake, Cupcake-style

Strawberry Shortcake, Cupcake-style

Springtime is strawberry season in San Diego. While just about the rest of the US is waiting until mid-June for these beauties, we get them a full two months before everyone else. Sure you can buy them at your local megamart in Wyoming in the middle of the winter, but the berries we get now [Continue]

A Sweet Post from Canada

A Sweet Post from Canada

Last week I reached out to all my readers requesting volunteers to guest post on MFG. To my surprise, I got several responses. While she was not the first to respond, Jane was the first to send me a post about these wonderful Ginger Pecan Scones. Here’s a quick excerpt that Jane sent me: I [Continue]

Culinary Flags

Mmmm, culinary flags: [Continue]

Periodic Table of CUPCAKES!

Periodic Table of CUPCAKES! [Continue]

Fatty fast food, a quick guide to the worst (best?) options.

I’m torn: should I use this as a recommendation list or a warning list: [Continue]

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