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OMG! I went another whole month without showing off any food! I’m not sure what’s going on these days, the food gets eaten before I get the camera out! I even got a point and shoot camera to try and remedy my loathing of photoshopping all these pictures, I guess it backfired. I promise a [Continue]

Taste and Create VII – Toovar Dal

Taste and Create VII – Toovar Dal

In an attempt to get some more cooking inspiration, I signed up for Taste and Create VII. The idea of Taste and Create is you are randomly paired up with another food blog, find a recipe listed on their site, make the recipe, and blog about it. I thought it would be a great way [Continue]

Was I too good for Cupcakes?

Was I too good for Cupcakes?

Random fact: I’ve never made cupcakes. I’m not quite sure why, but I usually shy away from them. Maybe they seemed too basic, maybe I just didn’t see all the fanciful flavors of cupcakes out there these days, or maybe I just never had a decent reason. This week was different. Usually I like to [Continue]

A late baker

A late baker

Late again?I hope this doesn’t become habit forming… This month the Daring Bakers chose a recipe by Boston’s own Julia Child: Baguettes. This recipe was probably 3 pages long and very detailed. I’m not listing it here, but I’m sure you can find it on another Daring Baker’s site. While mine did not come out [Continue]

Whoa! What happened?

Sorry about the unplanned outage. Last night we upgraded WordPress to version 2.3.2. We were a bit behind on updates and wanted to get things back (close) to the current version. We had to create a new site for testing just in case there was a disaster. Once we got everything working properly, we cut [Continue]

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