A wicked nice surprise
A few weeks back I saw this picture on a fellow blogger’s site.

Chris, the fellow blogger, got her hands on about 50 of these mini brioche molds for an amazing deal. She happened to obtain these tins just about the same time I was making my kitchenaid brioche. In a flash I shot off a comment on her blog and begged asked nicely if she could grab some for me in exchange for a small reward. I was a little bit surprised when I got a response from her. Chris said she’d try and pick some up for me and would mail them to me if she could find them. I honestly thought she was just being nice and I would never see anything in the mail, even though she requested my address.
About a week and a half ago a received a mysterious package in the mail. In the package was the mini brioche tins, some fancy pastel-colored measuring spoons, recipe cards, and a Christmas card. I was amazed! Not only by the package but by the kindness a fellow blogger had for me.
Chris, I owe you: pretty much anything I can get you from the Boston area is yours!
Hey! Thanks for the freezer tip on the silicone you left in my comments. Much appreciated.
I have a bunch of this mini tins. My mom picked them up at an antique store a few years ago and I’ve never used them. They’re pretty darn cute, though. How the heck to you bake in something that small without burning it? I am imagining a squirt of creme filling in them right now though…YUM.
Wow this is really nice. I like this whole blogger world.
You are very welcome! Being an original Bostonian (Go Terriers), I was only pleased to assist. I can’t wait to see/hear about what you made. And the measuring spoons? I just thought they were cutie patooties!