Tales of the Kitchen
A few days ago, I got word of a kitchen show-and-tell thing going on in the food blog world. The even was headed up by another food blog, Lucullian Delights. Unfortunately, for me, the event ended before I could get some decent pictures of my kitchen. Here’s my late entry (better late than never, right?)…

Modern home kitchens have become more than just work places. The home kitchen is no longer hidden in the back of the house in a dark corner. It has become a showplace for restaurant-grade appliances, polished rock counter tops, and 1000 square feet of island hopping madness. I’m not sure who thought we needed all of this, but I guess I didn’t get the memo.
I spent a little time working in a real kitchen during my internship for culinary school. I had grand visions of air conditioning, vast workspace, and state-of-the art machinery. Reality set in pretty quick when I learned I would get a three foot by four foot stainless steel workstation where I would produce EVERYTHING. The kitchen was hot, the equipment was old, the quarters were cramped, yet we still produced excellent food.
Working in those conditions made me realize: my kitchen is a lean, mean, gourmet food making machine. I don’t have granite counter-tops, a wall oven, or even a gas stove. What I do have is an organized workspace, several quality tools that I can count on, and willingness to make do.
As you can see, my kitchen is small. On a good day, you can get three people in there; on a bad day, just me. I think if my kitchen was any bigger, I’d fill it with more junk that I just didn’t use.
I’ve been in the kitchen.
I’d say on a good day, two is doable.
Three is just like a clown car.
Oh the days of high school….
I’d have to agree, my kitchen IS lovely 🙂
If I have to skimp, can I get an induction burner at least?
i happen to think you’ve got a lovely kitchen! and look at all those working (i presume) appliances! i imagine that large and spacious oven and full four burners actually work wonderfully! and that dishwasher! okay, i’m going to stop gushing. i have to agree with you about restaurant kitchens. everyone i’ve worked in has been nothing like the grand home kitchens that are the fad of today. you got it all, and frankly, more than you need. really just a hot plate and those organizational skills, right?
It’s the size of the chef?
It’s not the size of your kitchen that matters…..