wednesday is CSA day
Valentine’s schmalentine’s…its CSA day in foodgeek land!

The food geek household is a member of a community-supported agriculture program. We buy shares in a local farm and in turn, we get locally grown veggies, share in the bounty of the harvest, and also assume some of the risks of farming. We think it’s a good deal and it helps keep small farms alive.
My veggies get delivered every Wednesday. Fresh, organic, mostly local produce are delivered to my door from Seabreeze Organic Farm. When I open the door on Wednesday it always feels like the unveiling of the secret ingredient on Iron Chef. You see, with a CSA you don’t get the same things every week; you get what’s in season.
San Diego has a twelve month growing season but you can definitely get a sense of the seasons with each delivery. Winter brings root crops like beets, potatoes, and turnips while summer brings tomatoes, summer squashes, and corn. Greens of all types seem to be the only year-round constant. We can always count on some variety of lettuce and some sort of cooking green each week. We get so many exciting vegetables, we hardly buy veggies from the supermarket anymore.

Here’s what we got this week:
- cauliflower
- broccoli
- radishes
- rapini
- salad mix
- sugar snap peas
- turnips
- yams
- avocado
- bananas
- Bosc pears
- Hayden mangos
- kiwi
- frozen blackberries
That sounds a lot better than the delivery (actually pickup in the area) we used to get from Be Wise. I’m still not sure we’d use it all, but if I was going to sign up again I’d do Seabreeze and have it delivered to my husband’s office – which is in their delivery area. They don’t deliver to East County last I checked.
Amanda – If I was that close to the OB farmer’s market, I don’t think I’d need the CSA.
Caroline – it was a little intimidating at first, luckily I was trained to cook and love to experiment. We used to belong to BeWiseRanch but we switched to Seabreeze because of the delivery and larger variety (and fruits!)
I love CSAs! I’m just so intimidated to get veggies that I wouldn’t know how to cook or wouldn’t like (I have a picky family!). But your stash looks gorgeous! And I like that they deliver to your door – there is another CSA ( that has a 2 hour window of a pick up time, which could have problems.
Great pictures!
that’s really awesome. i know this is sad, but i’ve never heard of csa. i try to get all my produce from local growers (we live in ob so this is really easy) but how awesome would it be to get a fresh local grab bag of goodies delivered to your door EVERY WEEK! okay. i’m too excited. once i get a new job (just quit the old one) i’m definitely going to be signing up for option 2 with seabreeze.